Hedge, Verge and Slope Mower in One Versatile Package ..

The Ventrac 4520 compact tractor is ideal for maintaining hedges, roadside verges and the edges of ponds and riverbanks in safety, as it is can tackle inclines of up to 30 degrees.

Maintaining verges beside highways can result in lane closures and other safety measures, so time is of the essence. The Ventrac 4520 with its choice of mowing decks is a highly productive combination allowing large areas to be mown, quickly and efficiently. Easy servicing of belts and pulleys is provided by hinged and removable covers and  tilt-up decks provide easy access.

Norwich Norse Environmental is one of the three companies involved in a joint venture to maintain the embankments and verges of the Broadland Northway. Formerly known as the Norwich Northern Distributor Road (NNDR), it connects traffic from the eastern approaches to the northwest of the city.

Operations Manager Martin Adcock said, “The Ventrac, with its 1.7 metre cutting width and maximum speed of around 16 km an hour, certainly does the job. It tackles the embankments with ease and leaves a very acceptable finish. With a ground pressure of just 6 psi, it’s gentle on the newly established slopes and can be used at 30 degrees, something no other ride-on machine can achieve.”

The Boom Mower is the perfect tool for cutting back hedges, shrubs, saplings, reeds around pond edges and vegetation on riverbanks. With a reach in excess of 2.74 metres (108”), it features a double action 91.4 cm (36”) sickle bar with an auto-levelling system, which keeps the head at the desired angle of cut for consistent operation. Its out-front mounting system provides excellent visibility and comfort for the operator.


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