Ventrac: economical and cost-effective ..

“It’s an extraordinarily economical and cost-effective way of making lawns and other areas look fantastic,” says Sebastian Fenwick, the owner of Shilstone, a lovingly restored Georgian Manor House and family home set in several hundred acres of breath-taking rural countryside near Plymouth in Devon.

“Because we run a wedding business here everything has to look immaculate,” he said. “We’ve got to have stripes on the main lawns and the valley has to look good; everything has to look right and that’s why we purchased a Ventrac and a selection of attachments. It has become a significant piece of equipment to maintain our grounds.”

Similarly, Andrew Day, the Estate Manager at a large property in Hampshire, says his vision for the aesthetic appearance of the estate has been fulfilled with significant help from his two Ventrac all-terrain compact tractors and a comprehensive selection of attachments.

“During the demonstration we put a selection of attachments through their paces in several different areas across the estate. It proved to be a very successful demo, which resulted in the purchase of two Ventrac units, four Contour mowing decks, a Tough Cut deck, an Edger, a Turbine blower, a Power bucket and an Aera-Vator. We have the versatility and flexibility to tackle a host of estate management tasks in a very effective manner. “

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