Thefts of agricultural vehicles and farm machinery is on the rise ..

Thefts of agricultural vehicles and farm machinery is on the rise, costing businesses and private owners over £9 million in 2019. Ensuring that suitable security measures are in place to protect owners property is essential to reduce the risk of further thefts.

Steel Security Kiosks and enclosures provide optimum security combined with easy and fast installation. The design of these units is increasingly being used to store high value equipment and vehicles and with its hidden ventilation systems reduces condensation effectively storing your equipment in optimum conditions. Steelway’s SR4 rated kiosks can be designed and built to your specific requirements, should you need to secure one or several vehicles that may require single or a double door entrance with internal or external fixings.

A recent example of a project Steelway completed, was the manufacturing of a modular bespoke LPS 1175:SR4 Plywood Lined kiosk for the storage of a £17,000 KUBOTA Mini Tractor. This was a tailor-made solution for the protection of the vehicle. This type of unit is also an ideal solution for the protection of motor cycles and high-end bicycles.

All products designed are certified to LPS1175 SR4 rating, which provides resistance to experienced determined attempts at forced entry using a wide range of hand tools and battery power tools, with a disregard for noise created. The Maximum attack time is 10 minutes and maximum attack duration would be 30 minutes.

To find out more about Steelway’s SR$ rated kiosks click here.

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