A landscape maintenance contractor has revealed why he insists on using ISEKI tractors for maintaining two former RAF (Royal Air Force) stations.
Keith Clipsham works for Urban and Civic, and he looks after two unique, former RAF stations. RAF Waterbeach and RAF Alconbury have since made way for new housing developments and Keith is the man responsible for keeping the vast areas of green space intact.
“We cut approximately 350 acres at Alconbury and 400 acres at Waterbeach, so we need machinery that is 100% reliable,” he said. “This is why we have three ISEKI machines.”
“My first ever ISEKI tractor was a 47hp, and that has carried out approximately 3,500 hours with a flail on the back of it which is still going strong. Based on the success of that, we bought a larger 80hp model and again it is brilliant.
“Most recently we wanted one in between the two models we already have and our dealer, Fentons of Bourne, recommended the ISEKI TG6687.”
The ISEKI TG6687 is fitted with a Stage V 67hp engine and is compact in size with all the accessories and options of the higher specification tractors. The technology allows for easy operation and less fatigue on the driver.
With a superior lift capacity of up to 1,600kg, the ISEKI TG6687 allows you to run all your implements without the need to increase the size or horsepower of your tractor.
The HST model also gives users the benefit of cruise control, which is perfect for a variety of turf maintenance implements where accuracy is required. The PS model has an F12/R12 Power Shuttle transmission.
It is safe to say that Keith is pleased with the newest addition to his ISEKI fleet.
“It is excellent for what we want it to do,” continued Keith. “It is so quiet in operation and its fuel consumption is between 50-60 litres per day which we are very happy with. Furthermore, it is very user-friendly and comfortable. On other brands of tractors, I struggle with leg length, but I don’t with an ISEKI. The options to adjust the seat are great and you are not jumping about like a kangaroo like you are on others. None of us that use the ISEKI machines struggle with bad backs which is a good sign!
“The air-conditioning is very beneficial, and maintenance wise it is very simple – for example it is very easy to declutter the radiators of any debris, dirt or dust.
“Overall, I would highly recommend ISEKI – it cuts a huge amount of grass and cuts it quickly.”
Full video interview can be found at

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