Alternatively one on Lawn Improvement ..

As a landscape and amenity professional, you know the importance of maintaining a healthy and vibrant lawn for your clients. Whether you’re working on sports turf, public parks, or private gardens, the quality of the soil is a crucial factor in achieving a beautiful and functional outdoor green space.

Made in the UK, Carbon Gold’s Biochar Lawn Improver is organically certified, and is guaranteed to naturally improve the soil. This product promotes vigorous growth in grass roots, making it an ideal choice for laying new turf or maintaining existing lawns. It contains trace minerals that help grass roots establish quickly and robustly, ensuring that your lawn stays healthy, even in challenging conditions.

One of the most significant benefits of Carbon Gold Lawn Improver is its ability to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. For every kilogram of biochar that is put into the ground, the product sequesters around 3 kilograms of CO2. This means that by using Carbon Gold Lawn Improver, you can make a real difference to the environment while still maintaining a lush and resilient lawn.

This product also reduces nutrient leaching and enhances nutrient retention in the soil, which means that your lawn is less likely to be starved of essential nutrients, even in periods of drought or heavy rainfall. Organic growers will appreciate the product’s lack of caustic chemicals, making it safe for use in organic growing systems.

With its range of benefits and versatility, this product is an essential tool for landscapers and amenity professionals looking to provide the best possible service for their clients.

So why not give it a try today? Contact Carbon Gold at or telephone 0117 2440032 to learn more about this innovative product and take the first step towards a healthier, more sustainable lawn.

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