Helping meet the challenge of climate change ..


After an exceptionally hot, dry summer, many parts of the UK are facing severe drought. In planning their weed control programmes, amenity users are looking to reduce their use of water and adapt to the increasing challenge of climate change.

Conventional herbicide application, along with some non-herbicide treatments, rely on using large volumes of fresh water to treat weed growth. This can result in thousands of litres being sprayed on streets and other amenity areas, completely avoidably. At a time when the use of water for domestic needs is being restricted, these practices are rightly being called into question.

Nomix’s Total Droplet Control system requires NO water at the point of application. All products are ready-to-use (no mixing needed) and applied at extremely low volumes. This protects a precious and diminishing natural resource and helps users deal with the  impact of  our changing climate.

Additionally, some weed control methods can consume significant amounts of fossil fuel during application. This can be from vehicles, burners, or generators, with some non-herbicide methods being particularly resource intensive. This results in unnecessary pollutants being released into the atmosphere,  posing a risk to urban air quality, which has been proven as a major contributor to respiratory diseases and other illnesses. 

Nomix Total Droplet Control helps users reduce their emissions, and thereby lessening the impact on the environment. Nomix’s hand-held applicators eliminate emissions at the point of application, being entirely powered by clean battery technology. No vehicles or machinery are required. 


Nomix can help you meet the challenge of climate change, reduce your glyphosate usage, and reduce the number of applications needed by using our market-leading residual herbicide, Nomix Dual – the only extended-action product approved for use on UK streets.

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