Green-tech is the UK’s largest landscape supplier and key members of the company’s team have participated in a Rain Bird Academy training programme for irrigation professionals. The course was held at Green-tech’s headquarters in Arkendale near Harrogate in Spring 2022 and led by Eric Hendrickx, Rain Bird’s Contractor and Public Agency Specialist for Benelux and UK.

In 2021 Green-tech joined forces with its parent company Origin Amenity and Rain Bird to provide its customers with access to the world’s leading irrigation product portfolio for the landscape sector. As part of the on-going relationship between the organisations, the two day training programme covered Concepts and Techniques For Designing A State of the Art Irrigation System and The Selection and Adjustment of Irrigation Equipment. 

With the emphasis on both theoretical and practical training, the course was tailored to Green-tech’s requirements and covered many topics including irrigation system design, sprinkler selection and installation, calculation of flow rates and watering schedules, maintenance of nozzles and the creation of irrigation programs to suit the characteristics of a landscaping project. 

Richard Wexham, Green-tech’s Specification Manager, comments: “ We feel it is important to keep abreast of the latest technology in irrigation and offer our customer base the best solutions available. We found the Rain Bird A1 and A2 training courses informative and useful, packed with practical advice. Green-tech is delighted to be able to offer this world leading irrigation product portfolio to the landscape sector.”

Rain Bird Academy’s training programmes are designed for irrigation professionals with all levels of experience and there are over 40 courses or workshops available. They are all taught by certified trainers and undergo regular updates to ensure classes contain the most current and relevant information. Contact: Peter Longman, Rain Bird Europe,

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