Local authorities choose Ventrac ..

Brightlingsea’s Mayor, Cllr Jane Chapman, was present at the official handover of a Ventrac all-terrain compact tractor and selection of attachments at the north Essex coastal town recently. Delivered by local dealer, Upson Mowers, the equipment is being used for mowing the town’s recreation fields, maintaining local cycle paths and keeping the beach promenade free of sand and other debris.

The ever-versatile compact tractor was specified with a MU rotary mowing deck, a Power Brush and a V-blade, to provide specific solutions for some unique challenges faced by the seaside town’s council.

Brightlingsea Town Council’s Grounds Manager, Terry Hamilton, said,

“We’ve certainly purchased a very versatile piece of kit. We’re replacing an aging triple reel mower with this Ventrac and the MU deck, which provides the same level of finish, so we’re not sacrificing quality or overall presentation. We have two recreation grounds to maintain, one of which is on clay and just above the water table, so can be very wet at certain times of the year. The Ventrac, in its eight-wheel configuration, has an exceptionally low ground pressure of just 6 psi, enabling us to mow, whatever the conditions.”

North Lincolnshire Council is committed to delivering best value to its residents and demonstrated this with its purchase of two Ventrac 4500 all-terrain compact tractors and multiple attachments. The package included two MU rotary mowing decks, a Tough Cut deck and a Tiller attachment.

“We were looking to replace our aging Aebi mower,” said Green and Open Spaces Manager Carl Beacock, “but I wanted to ensure that we achieved best value with an alternative machine that was more than a ‘one-trick pony’.

“I spoke to some trusted colleagues in the south of England, and it sounded exactly what I was looking for –not only a mower, but a machine that could be used 52 weeks a year with the right attachments.

“It took less than a minute during the demonstration for me to realise it was the machine for us. It performs on slopes, its stability is excellent and every attachment does what we expect, ticking the box for versatility. We are mandated to maintain all green spaces in the area including parks, sports pitches, cemeteries and roadside verges. Traditionally we have been using ride-on cylinder and rotary mowers, but they are designed for one specific purpose. whereas the Ventrac is much more versatile.”

“We can mow our sports pitches down at 25 mm, then change out the deck in a matter of minutes and be cutting down bracken and brambles. We have a policy of introducing more wildflower meadows across the area and for this this purpose we purchased the tiller attachment. This helps us quickly prepare the soil bed in readiness for the specialist seed mixes and we can do it on steep slopes. It’s a great piece of kit and the best investment I’ve made during my career.”

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