We have some exciting news to share with you! ..

Hello there,

We have some exciting news to share with you!

Earlier this year, following significant research, combined with evidence gathered during 2019 that Foamstream kills Hepatitis-C, we believed Foamstream would be effective on Coronavirus. In fact, we believed it would be equally effective on Coronavirus as it is on weeds. That’s because like weeds, Coronavirus particles are susceptible to heat. So, we decided to send Foamstream to an independent lab for further testing.

Foamstream was tested by BluTest Laboratories Ltd, a Glasgow, UK, based internationally recognised expert in virus testing:

We have now received the results and are pleased to announce that Foamstream has been proven to kill 99.99% of Coronavirus particles within 10 seconds.

This makes Foamstream one of the fastest ways to kill Coronavirus available on the market today. It also makes it one of the safest.

This is a global news story that we are incredibly excited to share. Most solutions already available and approved by the EU & EPA are mainly chemical-based, and have a much slower kill rate than Foamstream. This is relevant because Foamstream can now be used in a wide range of public places to make them safer for human contact. It facilitates this by killing Coronavirus particles, helping prevent their transmission. As the world comes out of lockdown this is important as it will make the public places that we share and enjoy safer to be in.  It will also help some businesses – currently unable to open due to concerns around Coronavirus – able to open their doors earlier.

Benefits of using Foamstream to control Coronavirus:

  • It is non-toxic & non-chemical: it is safe for operators, the public and pets
  • There is no need to cordon off areas before, during or after treatment: this minimises downtime and fuss
  • It is suitable for all areas and surfaces – vertical and horizontal: you can treat most outdoor spaces with Foamstream. They include play areas, street furniture, high touch surfaces, sports facilities, bus stops, educational facilities, camping sites and hospitals
  • It is suitable for use on dirty surfaces – there is no need to waste time cleaning surfaces before sanitising them unlike many traditional disinfectants. Foamstream’s dual action process does both at the same time.

For more information, please read our Coronavirus factsheet here.

Our team would be delighted to answer any questions you might have about this very exciting development and can be contacted at info@weedingtech.com

Alternatively, head to our website here:

We look forward to sharing more information with you in due course.

Yours sincerely,

Leo de Montaignac, C.E.O.

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